Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tonights lecture "3 million years of art in 150 minutes"

What an entertaining and educational evening at class tonight!  I chuckled a lot and really enjoyed the art map.  I was fascinated by everything, but especially the trivia on the individual artists, and their background.  I enjoyed the Ostrakon Love Song writing tablet from the New Kingdom of Egypt 1300 bce:
“Your Love, dear man, is as lovely to me
As sweet soothing oil to the limbs of the restless,
As clean ritual robes to the flesh of the gods,
As fragrance of incense to one coming home."

Glenn said it was something that could have been written today.  It is someone’s love letter from long ago and thus may be non fictitious, but at the same time it has an emotional impact because it is more than just a fact…it is someone’s feelings recorded.  
As he discussed how fiction can be more truthful as much as nonfiction (or more so) I began to get a sense of how important art really is;  I think that it must be very important for the artist to express and create, and then sharing it causes a ripple effect.
I think of the movies, music and poetry that I have experienced and how they are permanently imbedded in my emotional memories… the impact they have when I see, hear or recall them again.  There are songs and movies that have left their mark on me, and perhaps changed me more than I know.   Especially certain songs, and this is probably true for you too, they bring up a memory of a certain time in my past, with those feelings I was feeling at the time:  Loneliness, or obsessive being in love or happy times with friends. 
What bothered me about tonight was the question Glenn asked, which I could not answer for myself (thus I was relieved he did not ask me directly in front of the class):  “What kind of art do you like best?”...I don’t know, and should I?  I saw a lot of different art pieces tonight, but I still don’t know.   Can I say that I prefer music or movies?  Those are art forms that resonate with me often. 
I can speculate that with the traditional sculptures and paintings, it may be the Renaissance stuff or the stuff just before the Modern… but I can’t be sure.

 I really liked the Bernini “St. Teresa in Ecstasy”….Knowing more about the background of it makes me very intrigued.   

What I do know for sure, there is more exciting things to come in both knowledge and experience in this class, and I am really happy to be a part of it.
P.S.: I was not able to get Trajan Font for this blog...bummer!